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Our Plans
43 articles
What are the costs of each plan?
What’s included in the Standard plan?
How do I upgrade to the Standard plan?
When do I have to start paying for the Standard plan?
How is cash interest calculated for Standard plan members?
Do I have to open a stocks and shares ISA if I upgrade to the Standard or Plus plan?
When and where will my Standard plan cash interest be applied?
When is my Standard plan subscription billed?
What happens when I upgrade from the Standard plan to the Plus plan?
What happens if I sign up to the Standard plan part way through the month?
How do I downgrade or cancel my Standard plan subscription?
What’s included in the Plus plan?
How much does the Plus plan cost?
When do I have to start paying for the Plus plan?
Do I have to open a SIPP if I upgrade to the Plus plan?
Can I pay my Plus plan subscription fee with a credit card?
How do I upgrade to the Plus plan?
When is my Plus plan subscription billed?
What’s included in priority customer service?
What happens when I upgrade to the Plus plan from the Standard plan?
Where will my Plus plan cash interest be applied?
When will my Plus plan cash interest be paid?
How is cash interest calculated for Plus plan members?
How do I downgrade or cancel my Plus plan subscription?
What happens if I sign up to the Plus plan part way through the month?
What happens to my ISA if I cancel my Plus plan subscription?