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Annual subscriptions
Will my annual subscription automatically renew?
Will my annual subscription automatically renew?
Updated over a week ago

Yes! Your annual subscription will automatically renew on the date you signed up in the following year, and you'll be charged the relevant plan subscription fee:

  • Standard plan: £59.88 annually

  • Plus plan: £119.88 annually

Is there a way to cancel this?

Of course. To prevent your annual subscription from automatically renewing, you can downgrade at any time in-app by navigating to:

“Portfolio” > 👤 Profile icon > ‘Manage your plan’ > “Change your plan”. > Scroll across to your selected plan and tap ‘Confirm’.

Once you have downgraded in-app, you will still have access to all the relevant plan benefits until the end of your billing cycle. Your account will then be automatically downgraded to your chosen plan when your current billing cycle ends, and you would not be charged the next annual subscription fee.

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