The Order types available on our Standard and Plus Plans are:
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Batch order - a market order that will execute from 10 AM later that same day/next day the market is open if placed outside of market opening hours.
Instant order - a market order that will execute right away when the market is open.
Limit order - a market order that will attempt to execute when the price reaches a set limit price. The order would only execute at or better than the limit price.
Stop loss - a market order that will execute if a share price falls to or below the price defined. Orders will be executed at the best available price at the time.
Batch order - a market order that will execute from 3 PM later that same day/next day the market is open if placed outside of market opening hours.
Instant order - a market order that will execute right away when the market is open.
Limit order - available for whole shares only, limit orders will execute when the price reaches a set limit price. The order would only execute at or better than the limit price.
Triggered order - available for fractional shares, a triggered order will go through as a market order when the price requested is met. Orders will be executed at the best available price at the time.
Triggered stop loss - a market order that will execute if a share price falls to or below the price defined. Orders will be executed at the best available price at the time.